How to configure Zendesk with SAML 2.0
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How to configure Zendesk with SAML 2.0

The following guide will walk you through adding IDEE AuthN as an external SAML 2.0 provider to allow logging in to Zendesk using IDEE AuthN.

  • Follow the ZenDesk Guide for SAML configuration:

  • For SAML SSO URL, copy the value of SAML SSO URL field from the AuthN Portal.

  • For Certificate fingerprint, copy the value of SHA-256 Certificate Fingerprint field from the AuthN Portal.

  • (Optional) For Remote logout URL, copy the value of the Simple Logout URL from AuthN Portal.

  • (On AuthN Portal) Enter your Zendesk Support subdomain into Subdomain field.

  • Click Save.